IMA/V Studio

We are planning an Integrated Media Audio/Video (IMA/V) Studio to support ever-important media communications with tools and capabilities to enable a nonprofit or neighbor to produce their social media posts or live-stream programming and events.

These planned facilities will be implemented in the 3rd phase and will feature a multimedia 24bit digital audio/video system for producing A/V content. 

Studio-in-the-Hub aka The Pod Pod, will allow community podcasters a studio space to produce their podcasts and host guests. 

The I-Media Room will also connect Hub media, specialty LED lighting, Video projection and performance audio in one area for control and distribution, eventually for live-stream A/V content. 

A key feature will be digital multitrack audio system with recording capabilities from the Big Room.

We will share our technical know-how in workshops and training sessions for those eager to ‘sharpen’ the Noggin with new skills.